Fibroid Care

我们在可能的情况下使用微创和非侵入性手术治疗子宫肌瘤. Our team-based approach provides timely and effective relief.

Doctor pressing on abdomen area
Young woman clutching her lower abdomen in pain

Why choose UCLA Health for fibroid care?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康子宫肌瘤项目,我们的专家治疗子宫内所有类型的肌瘤. 子宫肌瘤是子宫内常见的非癌性生长,通常不严重. When fibroid symptoms include complications and pain, we provide you with leading treatments and compassionate care.

Highlights of our program include:

Comprehensive diagnostics我们为子宫肌瘤提供全面的诊断和治疗程序. You receive a thorough evaluation from an experienced team.

Tailored treatment plans: We customize your care plan based on your symptoms. 我们的目标是提供最安全、最有效的治疗,这样你就能保持健康.

Team-based approach: Our fibroid specialists include gynecologists, urogynecologists, diagnostic radiologists, interventional radiologists and nurse practitioners. 这个多专业团队协同工作以简化您的护理, so you receive coordinated, comprehensive treatment.

Minimally invasive and noninvasive procedures我们提供的治疗可以减少切口,帮助您更快恢复. 我们的方法在不影响周围健康组织的情况下缓解肌瘤症状.

Types of fibroids we treat

The three main types of fibroids we treat are:

  • Intramural: This type grows within the muscle wall of the uterus.
  • Submucosal这些肌瘤可能生长到子宫内的开放空间.
  • Subserosal: These grow outside the uterus.

Fibroid symptoms

Fibroids usually develop during childbearing years. Most women who develop fibroids experience no symptoms. When fibroids become large or multiply, they may cause:

  • Bleeding between periods
  • Difficulty getting pregnant
  • Frequent urination
  • Heavy or prolonged periods
  • Low back pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Pelvic pain and pressure

How we diagnose fibroids

医生通常在体检或影像学检查中诊断子宫肌瘤. 你的医生在骨盆检查时可能会感觉到一个坚硬的不规则肿块. Some fibroids may be detected with:


MRI这种扫描使用强大的磁铁和无线电波来创建显示尺寸的详细图像, number and location of fibroids.

Saline infusion sonography这种形式的超声波提供子宫内部的图像. 生理盐水输注超声检查可以帮助医生确定不寻常阴道出血的原因.

In some cases, your doctor may perform additional tests. These may include:

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)在子宫内插入导管(小管)后,医生会注射染料并拍摄x光片. 医生经常用这个测试来检测怀孕困难的女性.

Hysteroscopy: Your doctor inserts a long, 薄照相机和轻型(宫腔镜)通过阴道和子宫颈进入子宫. 该方法可用于诊断不孕症或流产的原因.

Laparoscopy: Your doctor makes a tiny incision near your naval. 然后医生在腹部和骨盆插入一个又长又薄的照相机和轻型(腹腔镜). 这种方法通常有助于确定骨盆或腹部疼痛的来源.

Fibroid treatments we offer

我们提供全方位的微创和非侵入性肌瘤手术. 我们的专家团队使用尽可能少的侵入性治疗来缓解您的症状并消除您的疼痛. Options include:

Nonsurgical treatments

我们的肌瘤专家与您密切合作,定制您的治疗计划. Nonsurgical options include:

Watchful waiting: Fibroids are common and rarely cancerous. Most women have mild or no symptoms. Your doctor may recommend monitoring fibroids over time.

Alternative therapy:选择健康的生活方式和身体疗法可以缓解症状. 我们的营养和生活方式教练可以帮助您管理压力,改善睡眠和营养. 我们还可以帮助您在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校东西方医学中心找到一个提供者,以满足您的特定需求.

Medications医生经常开一些药物来治疗肌瘤疼痛、压迫和出血. 例子包括激素疗法和治疗痉挛和疼痛的药物, such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, 激素避孕药或非甾体抗炎药.

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)这种非侵入性的治疗方法可以安全地破坏肌瘤,减轻想要怀孕的妇女的症状. 医生使用一种特殊的核磁共振成像仪,在保留子宫的同时,用热能精确地瞄准每个肌瘤. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心是大洛杉矶地区唯一提供这种治疗的中心.

Uterine artery embolization (UAE): This option, also known as uterine fibroid embolization (UFE), involves a minimally invasive procedure to decrease bleeding, pressure and pain. 医生通过腹股沟或手腕的动脉插入一根小管(导管),并将其引导到为肌瘤供血的动脉. 导管会释放小颗粒,切断肌瘤的血液供应,使肌瘤缩小. Up to 90% of women experience significant pain relief after UAE.

Radiofrequency ablation, or Sonata ® treatment医生通过阴道将超声波装置插入子宫,用射频能量瞄准子宫肌瘤. Sonata treatment reduces the size of fibroids, easing symptoms.

Surgical treatments

如果非手术治疗不能解决你的症状,医生可能会建议手术. We offer two surgical options:

Myomectomy: We remove only the fibroids and preserve the uterus. Doctors may use a nonsurgical or minimally invasive procedure, 或者他们可以在腹部做一个大切口的传统开放手术. In some patients, 子宫肌瘤切除术可以在宫腔镜下进行(通过插入薄, flexible tube with a small camera into the uterus)

Hysterectomy: Surgeons remove the uterus, which contains the fibroids. 子宫切除术可作为微创手术或传统的开放手术进行. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校是为数不多的提供vNOTES(经阴道自然孔腔内窥镜手术)的医院之一。. 该技术不需要切口,因此恢复时间较短.

Meet our team

The UCLA Health expert team includes gynecologists, urogynecologists, diagnostic radiologists, interventional radiologists and nurse practitioners. 他们会一起评估你的担忧,并提供量身定制的治疗方案. 我们的临床团队提倡患者教育,强调合作护理, so you get the information and attention you deserve.

Nurse Practitioner Fibroid Specialists


Contact us

OB/GYN appointments

如果你正在寻找子宫肌瘤的治疗方案与OB/GYN提供者或想要第二个意见, please call 310-794-7274.

Radiology appointments

如果你已经有医生帮助你治疗肌瘤,并且对磁共振引导的高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)或子宫动脉栓塞(UAE)治疗感兴趣, please call 310-481-7545.

Find your care

您将得到专家团队的特殊护理和个性化的疼痛管理. Call to connect with our fibroid experts.

OB/GYN appointments
如果你正在寻找与妇产科医生审查子宫肌瘤治疗方案或想要第二意见, please call: 310-794-7274

Radiology appointments
如果你已经有医生帮助你治疗肌瘤,并且对磁共振引导的高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)或子宫动脉栓塞(UAE)治疗感兴趣, please call 310-481-7545.