
Fedirico V.

我住在犹他州,有人提到我 Dr. 费德里科•维. He is the kindest physician I have known in my lifetime and I am 71 years old. He offered to see me on a weekend if I could not drive in from Utah during the week. I texted him on a Saturday afternoon after my surgery and he answered me in an hour. 像他这样的医生已经不多了. 不幸的是,维.

作者:Mike C.


衷心感谢 Dr. 穆雷Kwon 感谢你救了我的命. He has given me a second chance in life along with the superb team of experts at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

作者:Youngah K.


Dr. 艾琳Mellano -

你在我膀胱里注射肉毒杆菌改变了我的生活! 你总是让我觉得很舒服,很有爱心,很有风度. I am so glad I came to a seminar you participated in several years ago and informed me that I had options for UUI. 玛格丽特也很棒.

作者:Peggy K.

Nazanin G.

Dr. Nazanin Gunn 去年八月把我从心理健康危机中救了出来. 我通过传送门给她发了条信息, 她马上回复了我,约我那天去看她. 她富有同情心,善解人意,帮助我度过了难关. 她让我觉得我并不孤单. 我将永远感谢她那一天.

作者:Karen K.


多么好的等待系统啊. 这让家人感到安慰,因为他们知道我们的爱是一步步进行的. 谢谢你对病人的照顾.

作者:Maria C.


Dr. 克里斯gorn 是一位了不起的医生!!!!

作者:Evonne H.

Dr. 布兰卡C.

Dr. 布兰卡坎波斯 -

你是最棒的! 我很感激你是我的医生! 谢谢你!!


Vi B.

客房部的维今天把我妈妈的房间收拾得很好. 她很体贴,也很尊重我妈妈的情况. She very thorough in cleaning the room and worked quietly so as to not disturb her. 她甚至在床底下拖地! We are here due to an infection and I really appreciated all the infection control she did (without asking her to do anything she did). We also appreciated her smile which conveyed a appropriately reserved friendliness.

作者:susan N.

Mahtab Moshtagh S.

Dr. Mahtab Moshtagh Sisan -

优秀的关怀,同情和理解. 优秀的医生!

作者:Joydeep D.


我因为严重的咳嗽和喘息而去了急诊室. (不是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校). 咳嗽和喘息持续约2周. I went online to try to get an in person appointment at UCLA, so they could listen to my lungs. 我的PCP直到3周后才有预约. 我只能找到一个人 Dr. 之一Meena akhijani用 在逛街时. I was skeptical because she was the only provider with an appointment available. She was absolutely wonderful, I feel so lucky that this random appointment was with her. 她非常专业,非常善良和体贴. 她发现了问题,并要求进行适当的x光检查和实验室检查. 她甚至建议我两天后再来看看我是否有所好转. 她的LVN也很棒. 我无法用语言表达我对工作人员的满意. 从前台到护士,再到医生. 每个人都彬彬有礼, 专业, 他们让我的访问尽可能的舒适. x光部也很棒. very kind, I had a horrible coughing attack and 3 people ran over with water to see if I was okay. 我很感激遇到了李博士. 之一Meena akhijani用,我知道她现在是我护理团队的一员.

作者:Tina O.


我叫罗恩, 我做了双侧鼻窦内窥镜手术, 部分腺样体切除术, 鼻中隔成形术, 还有鼻甲复位手术 Dr. 迈克尔·霍利迪. 在这个大手术之前, 我一生都饱受鼻塞之苦, 慢性鼻窦炎, 以及经常性的使人衰弱的鼻窦感染. 我继续看不同的耳鼻喉科,直到不久之前,我遇到了医生. 但我真正开始寻找耳鼻喉科是在我还是个孩子的时候. 当时, my parents took me to many different ENTs from different hospitals with the intention of finding a solution to improve the quality of my life. 在我的一生中, 当我生病时,所有的耳鼻喉科医生都会给我开抗生素, 建议我在每天冲洗鼻窦的同时继续使用鼻腔类固醇, 然后送我上路. They did not ever offer me the option of sinus surgery, despite my history of sinusitis. 这些耳鼻喉科医生也一致拒绝对我的腺样体进行手术, 我鼻塞的主要原因有哪些, 因为他们害怕并发症.

我看到了医生. 在严重的鼻窦感染中度过假日. He ordered a CT scan and saw that all of my sinuses were completely obstructed. Dr. 霍利迪随后意识到我需要做鼻窦手术. 除了, he observed that my turbinates were inflamed and my left septum was deviated, 并提出了纠正这些问题的程序. 重要的是, 他为我的腺样体提供了一个避免并发症的解决方案, 即去掉上半部分, 同时保持另一半完好无损. 手术原计划在几个月后进行, 但在他看到我处境的严重性之后, 他在一个月前加急了.

手术一结束,我的生活就变得更好了. 尽管我的鼻子里满是血,还塞了夹板, 我的呼吸比以往任何时候都好. 一周后,在术后预约中. 霍利迪取下夹板,吸出我鼻子里的硬壳. I instantly started breathing normally, and my whole world completely changed. 从那时起,我就非常感激李博士. 感谢他给我做的手术. It makes me emotional to realize that the long period of my life in which I had constant sinus infections, 我别无选择,只能每晚在睡梦中用嘴呼吸, 已经结束了. Dr. 假期改变了我的生活. 他简直是最棒的!

作者:Ron R.


Dr. 康纳是我见过最好的医生. 他很酷,我们和他聊天很舒服. He also was able to explain things with such patience that allowed my entire family to understand. He was very attentive to me and was always there to answer questions, provide updates, or just talk. 我真的很感激博士。. 康纳的关心,我无法解释我们有多爱他. 由于康纳!!!

作者:Jeremiah G.


Dr. 塔拉Vijayan was very thorough with the explanation of my care and I felt very cared for which is all that I can ask her. 她很可爱,很镇静. 谢谢你,博士. V!

作者:Jeremiah G.


克莱尔护士很细心,对病人也很有礼貌. 她是如此甜美和真正的宝石,老实说,只是一个摇滚明星. 我们都很爱她,她是最棒的🙂大声喊出克莱尔!!!

作者:Jeremiah G.


贾里德护士很乐于助人,他的存在让人很平静. 我真的很感激他的照顾和他照顾我的方式. 谢谢你,贾里德!

作者:Jeremiah G.


Dr. Juline阿萨莫阿, I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for the exceptional care you provide to your patients, 还有我的祖母.

Your dedication to ensuring the well-being of your patients has not gone unnoticed, 你富有同情心的做法的影响真的很显著. 我很荣幸能和你一起工作, 你积极的性格点亮了整个办公室.

在需要的时候, knowing that I can always count on you for reliable and compassionate care brings immense comfort. 你们追求卓越的精神是值得称赞的, and I believe it's important that your exceptional contributions are recognized.

谢谢你! for making a significant difference in the lives of those you care for. 你的专业、善良和专业知识是语言所无法形容的.



Cheryl L. H.

我要赞美谢丽尔·L. 她是血液学/肿瘤学皇冠hga025的报销专家. I am a current patient at UCLA and have recently had to navigate several different out-of-pocket costs that I did not expect to incur. 作为一个年轻的成年病人, 意想不到的自付费用很难应付, and I appreciate how Cheryl reached out to me and was incredibly communicative in helping me navigate the financial assistance programs related to these costs. She regularly responds to emails promptly and helps me access financial assistance that I would not have been able to access otherwise. 非常感谢你的帮助,谢丽尔!

作者:Evan T.

Madi N.

Madi是一个很棒的护士,她在我手术后非常细心地对待我. 她非常细心和友好. Always taking care to listen to my concerns and doing all she could to make me feel safe and comfortable. 我非常感谢她在我逗留期间对我的照顾.

作者:Stephen A.


你们所有的护理人员都做得很好. Kathleen was exceptional in that she has a personal quality that makes you feel "seen."


Stella H.

I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the exceptional care provided by Stella Harding during my mother's recent hospitalization at UCLA Ronald Reagan hospital. 从我们到达医院的那一刻起, Stella went above and beyond to ensure that our experience was as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Stella greeted us with warmth and kindness, instantly putting us at ease during a stressful time. Her 专业ism was evident as she efficiently handled administrative tasks. 然而,真正引人注目的是斯特拉真诚的同情心和同理心. She took the time to listen to our concerns, offering reassurance and support every step of the way. Her caring demeanor provided a sense of comfort during a challenging time for our family.

此外, 斯特拉对细节表现出了非凡的关注, 确保我母亲的需求得到及时有效的满足. Whether it was ensuring my mother had enough water and warm blankets or providing helpful information, she consistently went above and beyond to ensure our comfort and well-being.

除了她的专业技能, Stella exhibited a genuine passion for her work and a commitment to excellence that was truly inspiring. Her positive attitude and dedication to patient care made a significant difference in our experience at the hospital.

我非常感谢斯特拉对我的特别照顾和同情. 她是医院真正的财富, and I cannot thank her enough for her kindness and support during a challenging time. 她的模范服务给我们家留下了深刻的印象, 我强烈推荐她给任何需要同情心的人.

谢谢你!, Stella, for your outstanding service and unwavering dedication to your patients. 您使我们的生活变得不同,我们由衷地感激您.

作者:Zsea B.


感谢医生, 护士, staff member or volunteer who made a positive difference in your patient or employee experience by sending a care compliment.