
Our experts deliver the full spectrum of audiology services to children and adults of all ages. 我们提供全面的筛选服务, 准确诊断和有效治疗听力损失.



作为听力学领域的领导者, 我们的专家为婴儿提供卓越的护理, 有听力损失的儿童和成人. 您将接受量身定制的听力学测试, diagnostic evaluations and treatments and world-class care from a dedicated team. 我们课程的亮点包括:

协调和团队合作: 简化护理,提供全面的治疗, our audiology doctors and professionals communicate with experts across departments at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康. 我们与耳科医生密切合作, 儿科医生和初级保健医生提供个性化护理.

便利性和可达性: 我们致力于提供高质量、可获得的医疗服务. 几乎所有非英语语言都有口译员. 我们也提供远程访问的选择服务.

人工耳蜗方面的专业知识: 我们的人工耳蜗项目是皇冠hga025最大的项目之一. Since 1997, we have provided implants to hundreds of infants, children and adults of all ages. Specialists across the nation recognize us as experts in cochlear implant surgery and care.

以病人为中心的护理:  As your partners in health care, we’re dedicated to finding the treatments that work best for you. 我们的团队为每位患者量身定制治疗方案.

选择范围广: We’re proud to offer one of the most comprehensive selections of hearing aids available. You can choose from many different manufacturers, types and features, at all price points. Our experts explain each option and work with you to find the one that suits your budget, 生活方式和需求. 我们还提供一系列的项目和服务, 从预防听力损失到教育和支持.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康听力学家提供全方位的护理, 从筛查和听力损失预防到治疗和支持. 我们的听力学专业人员照顾新生儿,儿童和所有年龄段的成年人. We focus on early intervention and tailored treatments to ensure the best possible outcome. 我们的服务包括:


我们的团队为新生儿和婴儿提供全面的听力护理. If a follow-up appointment is necessary, we provide further evaluation and diagnosis. 我们的专家与每个婴儿的初级保健医生无缝合作, 还有遗传学专家, 耳科和语言病理学提供彻底的护理. We’re highly skilled at providing customized treatments for our youngest patients.

We work with your child and your entire family to help you get the most out of treatments and to support you along the way. 通过教育和家庭咨询, we teach you how to use your child’s hearing devices and/or assistive listening devices. We also work with you to encourage your child’s speech and language development, 提高他们的沟通技巧,帮助他们达到重要的里程碑.


我们的听力学家专门帮助患有慢性耳部感染的儿童, 多种原因导致的语言迟缓和听力丧失. We deliver effective treatments, and we adjust as children grow and their needs change. Our team works with your child’s developmental pediatrician and speech pathologist to deliver outstanding care.


We conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine the extent of hearing loss and the cause. 我们的听力学专家提供最新的治疗方法, 包括数字助听器和人工耳蜗. You’ll receive effective treatments and support in a compassionate environment.


我们注重早期干预和预防. Our experts provide consultations and customized prevention plans for children and adults at a higher risk of hearing loss. We have extensive experience working with musicians and people who work in noisy environments. We offer education, awareness and custom-made ear plugs to help prevent hearing loss and deafness.


美国有超过3700万成年人有听力障碍. 每1000个婴儿中就有3个有听力损失. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 audiologists have experience treating hearing loss that results from a wide range of causes, 包括:

  • 儿童慢性耳部感染
  • Congenital (present at birth) hearing loss, which is the most common childhood congenital disorder
  • 颅面疾病,包括Treacher Collins综合征
  • 遗传性疾病,如瓦尔登堡综合征
  • 感染和疾病,比如梅尼埃氏病
  • 噪声暴露
  • 正常老化过程
  • 耳朵外伤和损伤


我们的听力学专家为您提供个性化的治疗方案. 我们仔细考虑了你的年龄, 生活方式和目标, 并与您和您的家人密切合作,以确定最佳计划. 除了治疗之外, we educate you and your family about hearing loss and conditions that affect hearing. 我们会全程支持你在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的治疗.


UCLA 听力学 Clinic dispenses professionally fit hearing aids from the top manufacturers in the hearing industry.  其中包括数字, wireless and rechargeable hearing aids with additional features such as connectivity and streaming.  An individual consultation is provided for all patients to assist in selecting appropriate devices.  Evidence-based practice is used to program hearing aids to optimize speech intelligibility.


A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted device that stimulates nerves in the ear to restore hearing. Our audiologists work closely with head and neck surgeons before, during and after surgery. 手术前,我们会与您会面,了解您的需求. Together, we discuss your goals and decide on the most appropriate type of implant to use.

外科医生在门诊手术中放置植入物后, 我们经验丰富的听力学家兴奋不已, 或激活, 植入物. We program 植入物 and adjust the sound during an interactive process called “mapping.在这个过程中, we use your (or your child’s) feedback to optimize 植入物’s effectiveness and allow you to hear a range of sounds.

我们有给所有年龄段的病人植入人工耳蜗的经验, 从1岁以下到100岁. Many of our patients have a cochlear implant in one ear and a hearing aid in the other. 先进的技术使这两个设备能够相互通信, 改善整体听觉体验.


对一些人来说,助听器或人工耳蜗可能不是一个选择. 作为听力学领域的领导者,我们专注于骨锚定听力系统. These devices can help children and adults with ear malformations or deafness in only one ear.

骨锚式听力系统 help you or your child hear by sending a vibration to the inner ear through the skull. 我们提供可以与发带一起佩戴的骨固定装置. 我们也通过手术植入设备.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康’s aural rehab helps people with all types of devices hear better and interpret sounds more effectively. Our experts offer several programs that train the brain to hear with a new device, 比如人工耳蜗. These programs teach your brain how to use the auditory information it’s receiving. 学习如何用这些设备听需要时间. Our experts are by your side to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your hearing-loss treatments.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康听力学家教育,授权和支持您和您的家人. Our comprehensive approach to care includes classes, workshops and information sessions. 我们还为您提供其他资源,包括聋人教师. Through support groups, you and your family can learn from others and share your experiences. 我们提供:

  • 关于获得现有治疗和服务的教育和认识
  • Strategies and skills to help people with hearing loss communicate with hearing people
  • 提高助听器效能的小贴士, cochlear implant or bone-anchored device and become accustomed to it more quickly
  • 应对听力损失的方法


Our expert team of audiology professionals includes audiologists who specialize in the latest treatments for hearing loss. 我们与耳科医生密切合作, 发育儿科医生, 语言病理学家和头颈外科医生为您量身定做, 全面的护理.


我们熟练的听力学家为所有年龄段的人提供出色的听力护理. 呼叫 310-825-5721 与专家联系.


我们技艺高超的听力学家在这里提供出色的护理. 呼叫 310-825-5721 与专家联系.