
With specialized expertise in pediatric gastroenterology, 我们的专家在有效护理方面处于全国领先地位. 我们帮助所有年龄段的婴儿和儿童, 提供诊断, management, treatment and support for gastrointestinal (GI) and nutritional disorders.

African American doctor with face mask examining boy's throat during a home visit.


As part of the Division of 儿科胃肠病学, Hepatology & 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院,我们的团队共同努力,提供世界一流的护理. 我们课程的亮点包括:

公认的专业技能我们的项目一直被评为全国顶尖的儿科胃肠病学项目 U.S. News & World Report. 经验丰富的皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康GI专家在乳糜泻方面的专业知识在国内和国际上得到认可, 炎症性肠病(IBD)等.

Multispecialty团队儿科胃肠病学家, surgeons, 注册营养师, 社会工作者和心理学家一起照顾患有IBD和其他疾病的儿童. 专注于优化整体健康, 我们帮助孩子们追求积极, healthy lifestyle while managing gastrointestinal (GI) conditions. 我们还提供过渡护理计划,以帮助老年儿科患者无缝转移到成人胃肠病学专家的护理.

器官移植的引领者如果您的孩子需要移植,您可以相信皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心会提供最高水平的护理. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心是全国最早建立肠道移植项目的中心之一. 我们的是最大的之一, most experienced pediatric transplantation programs of its kind in the nation. Learn more about pediatric intestinal transplantation.

研究和临床试验:继续使治疗更有效, 我们提供多种研究来治疗IBD, 克罗恩氏病, 溃疡性结肠炎, 肠衰竭等等. 符合条件的儿童有机会参加临床试验,以评估新的药物和疗法. 我们专注于探索下一代的治疗方法,这样我们就可以帮助孩子们感觉更好,生活得更健康.


我们的高技能专家在几个重要领域提供专业护理,可以使您的孩子的健康有所不同. This focus allows us to deliver precise diagnoses and targeted treatments. We offer:

Pediatric Celiac Disease and Eosinophilic Esophagitis Clinic

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家聚集在一起,照顾患有乳糜泻和嗜酸性粒细胞性食管炎的儿童. 自身免疫性疾病, 嗜酸性食管炎导致白细胞在食道(将食物从口腔输送到胃的管道)中积聚。. It can cause health issues and lead to feeding problems, which can affect a child’s growth.

乳糜泻是一种自身免疫性疾病,会引起小肠炎症和损伤. The inflammation results from eating gluten (protein fragments of wheat, rye and barley).

我们的儿科胃肠病学专家和过敏和免疫学专家结合多年的经验和专业知识来诊断和治疗这些消化系统疾病. 我们评估营养因素, the immune system and the gut microbiome (organisms that live in the digestive tract).

我们提供全面的管理和治疗,为每个孩子量身定制治疗. 注册营养师与患者及其家属密切合作,提供饮食教育, 营养咨询和支持.


Our team provides expert treatments for motility disorders, which affect how food and liquids move through the GI tract. To evaluate, 诊断和管理这些疾病, 我们使用最先进的技术和测试, including:

肛肠生物反馈疗法这种疗法使用传感器和电脑来帮助患有慢性便秘和其他运动障碍的儿童. 这种传感器可以评估肛门肌肉的活动,帮助儿童更好地控制有助于排便的肌肉.


胃排空研究: Your child swallows a safe radioactive tracer along with food. A scanner takes pictures of their digestive tract every hour for four hours. 这些图像向我们展示了食物是如何在体内运动的.

Manometry: High-resolution manometry tests use a thin, flexible catheter with pressure sensors. The tube looks at your child’s esophagus, rectum or other area of the digestive tract.

食管酸碱度钢丝试验:使用中空管(导管), 这个测试测量胃酸反流从胃进入食道的量.

无线pH值测试(Bravo™): A wireless capsule placed in the esophagus measures acid reflux during a 96-hour period. The capsule leaves your child’s body naturally after several days.


作为儿科IBD有效治疗的领导者, our team is uniquely qualified to help children of all ages with this chronic disease. 我们作为一个多专业的团队来解决您孩子健康和幸福的各个方面.

With IBD, early treatments can help your child avoid complications and surgery. 我们使用先进的成像技术, 如磁共振(MR)肠造影, that safely provides detailed pictures of the intestine and colon. Using these images, we evaluate IBD, plan treatments and monitor how they’re working. Our goal is to deliver a timely diagnosis so we can offer treatments as soon as possible.

除了药物和其他IBD治疗, 你的孩子接受咨询, nutritional guidance and support from specially trained psychologists and social workers. As your child grows up, we help your entire family transition into adult GI care.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家聚在一起,使用团队方法治疗所有类型的空气消化系统疾病. These conditions affect breathing, swallowing and digestion. Because these conditions cause problems in several areas of the body at once, 他们需要高水平的协调护理.

在空气消化诊所, 我们的团队包括胃肠病学专家, 过敏与免疫学, 肺科和耳鼻喉科(耳), 鼻子和喉咙). 我们与注册营养师合作, social workers and speech therapists to help children who have these complex disorders.

Intestinal rehabilitation and intestinal transplantation

我们的儿科胃肠病学团队帮助患有短肠综合征等疾病的儿童, which happens when part of the intestine is missing at birth. 我们还专门治疗患有运动障碍(食物如何通过胃肠道的问题)和其他影响肠道的疾病和状况的儿童. 这些疾病会导致肠道衰竭.

患有肠衰竭的儿童受益于我们在儿童肠道康复方面的高水平专业知识. 这种类型的康复, 这可能包括饮食的改变, 药物或手术, 帮助肠道吸收孩子所需的营养. Over time, intestinal rehab can reduce your child’s need for total parenteral nutrition, 或TPN(通过静脉输送的营养). 它还可以帮助他们避免肠道移植.

If your child does need an intestinal transplant, they’re in expert hands. At UCLA Health, our intestinal rehabilitation program is one of the largest in the world. 我们是最早建立这类项目的中心之一,拥有执行复杂移植手术的专业知识.


Our compassionate team understands that GI issues can impact children in many ways. 有些孩子情绪化, 除了健康问题和饮食限制之外,还有发育和行为方面的挑战. 我们来这里就是为了解决这些问题, 我们致力于与您的家庭合作,以提高您孩子的整体福祉.

Our multispecialty approach includes seamless care from 社会工作者和心理学家. 我们帮助儿童和家庭应对胃肠道症状, manage daily medications and make a plan to maximize their health.

注册营养师与儿童和家庭一起制定定制的营养计划,同时提供可以改善症状的生活方式改变的指导. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康营养支持诊所, 我们为有复杂营养需求的儿童提供全面的TPN评估和交付.


我们在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的儿科胃肠病学团队在治疗最复杂的胃肠道疾病方面非常熟练. 我们帮助儿童处理由先天性异常、疾病和创伤引起的紊乱. 我们治疗的一些最常见的情况包括:

乳糜泻这种自身免疫性疾病在食用麸质(小麦中的蛋白质碎片)后会引起小肠炎症和损伤, 大麦和黑麦).

嗜酸性食管炎: This condition results from an immune system response to allergens. An allergen is a substance, such as food, that triggers an allergic reaction. 嗜酸性食管炎 causes a buildup of white blood cells in the esophagus. 随着白细胞的聚集, they cause inflammation and narrowing of the esophagus, which leads to difficulty swallowing and other problems.

食物过敏和食物敏感几种类型的食物过敏和敏感, including gluten intolerance and food protein intolerance (or cow’s milk intolerance), 会引起一系列的胃肠道问题吗. We also help children with food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), a food allergy that usually affects babies and toddlers.

炎症性肠病(IBD): IBD的主要类型是溃疡性结肠炎(当溃疡发生在大肠时)和克罗恩病(引起消化道炎症). IBD会引起肠道疼痛和炎症.

运动性疾病: These disorders affect how food and fluids move through the GI tract. 有几种类型的运动障碍, 包括胃酸回流, 吞咽问题(吞咽困难), chronic constipation and fecal incontinence (lack of control over bowel movements).

短肠综合征(短肠综合征)如果出生时缺少部分肠道,孩子就不能吸收足够的水分和营养. 这种疾病会导致肠道衰竭.


我们的儿科胃肠病学家提供个性化的治疗和全面的支持. 我们运用我们丰富的知识和经验治疗儿童胃肠道疾病,帮助您的孩子一生感觉更好. Our experts tailor each treatment plan just for your child, with specific therapies and support to address their unique needs.

Your child’s care team may recommend medications, dietary changes or surgery. 除了医疗之外, 我们的团队提供情感支持, 咨询和一系列治疗方案. 您的孩子将接受量身定制的护理,随着他们的成长,我们将与您一起调整治疗方法.

If your child needs an intestinal transplant, you can trust UCLA Health. 我们的儿科外科医生在使用最先进技术的成功手术方面处于全国领先地位. We’re by your side to offer your child support before, during and after surgery.


Our skilled team includes pediatric gastroenterologists, surgeons, 注册营养师, 社会工作者和心理学家, all of whom have specialized expertise in caring for children. We work with specialists in several departments to deliver customized care.

Contact us

Call 310-825-0867 to connect with a UCLA Health pediatric gastroenterologist.


您的孩子将得到全面的护理和有效的治疗,由专门的胃肠道专家团队. Call 310-825-0867 与我们联系.

US News Best Children’s Hospital 2023-24 - Gastroenterology and GI Surgery