
UCLA Health specialists are nationally renowned leaders in 肺癌 研究 and treatment. We use the latest technology for 肺癌 screenings to deliver a precise diagnosis so we can make 肺癌治疗s more effective.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的肺癌专家提供最高标准的护理. 当你醒来 us 用于肺癌治疗,你会发现:

Multispecialty团队: 当您选择UCLA Health时, 一组顶尖的肺癌治疗专家开会检查你的健康状况. We draw on our expertise in several specialties to develop a personalized 肺癌 care plan that meets your needs. You’ll have some of the world’s most experienced 肺癌 specialists behind you.

精密医学: Our approach differs from most other medical centers because we use precision medicine to deliver targeted 肺癌治疗s. 通过这种方法,我们评估每个肿瘤的特定遗传因素. We also consider your lifestyle and health history to personalize each treatment plan. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心了解精准医学.

国家认可的项目: 作为美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)指定的综合性癌症中心, 我们在病人护理方面保持最高的卓越标准, 研究, 肺癌治疗. 我们在胸外科医师协会的排名中一直名列前茅. U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 ranks us among the top 5 medical centers in the country for pulmonology and lung surgery.

获得创新研究和临床试验: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心是几个全国性癌症研究组织的成员, and we are a designated Specialized Program of 研究 Excellence (SPORE) in 肺癌. 作为肺癌研究的领导者,我们的专家开创了革命性的治疗方法. 如果你符合条件, you can participate in 临床试验 for promising new therapies to treat 肺癌.

方便的护理: We offer telehealth options and virtual visits to make care more convenient for you. Our experts also provide healthcare services at locations throughout Southern California, 包括20多个提供癌症治疗的地点. 团队合作, 我们的医生为您提供最好的肺癌治疗方案, 无论你在哪里.

专家第二意见: 肿瘤专家为已经接受治疗的患者提供第二种意见 肺癌治疗 from other physicians or institutions, even from long distance or out-of-state locations.


Every person diagnosed, regardless of the type of 肺癌, has their own unique 挑战 在处理肺癌的症状时. That’s why our team designs every care plan around your specific needs and health. 使用最先进的测试, 成像, 和治疗方法, 我们为您量身定制护理,并在每一步提供支持.



我们专注于在早期发现肺癌. Our pulmonary and thoracic physicians screen for 肺癌 using the latest 成像 techniques to detect lung nodules (spots) in patients who are at risk for developing 肺癌. This thorough screening process allows us to deliver a diagnosis as early as possible so treatments will be more effective.


我们的经验和专业知识帮助我们快速准确地识别癌症. We offer the newest tests and procedures to diagnose and determine the type of cancer and stage of disease.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家使用精准医学来定制你的治疗计划. We provide molecular testing (biomarker testing) to spot changes in the tumor’s DNA and understand its genetic makeup.

利用生物标志物检测的结果, 还有关于你整体健康的信息, 家族史和生活方式, 我们为你确定最好的治疗方法. The precision medicine approach guides us to the most effective 肺癌治疗 plan.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, we meet weekly as the Thoracic Oncology Program (TOP) tumor board — a group of expert oncology physicians from different specialties. 我们回顾和讨论医疗状况 管理 肺癌的症状,以及每位患者的治疗方案. Our team works together to deliver coordinated cancer care, including access to 临床试验.

作为病人, 你将会见到这个多专业的顶级癌症团队, 其中包括几个领域的专家. We offer these meetings virtually so that you and your family or friends can attend from a remote distance.

After a detailed discussion about your unique situation, you’ll talk to each specialist individually. 你可以询问接下来的步骤, 探索你的治疗方案, 听听你的护理团队成员的意见. 该任命以明确和统一的肺癌护理计划结束.


You’ll have oncology nurse navigators and specialized nurse practitioners by your side every step of the way. Our wide range of support services keep you comfortable and informed during and after 肺癌治疗.

在Simms/Mann-UCLA综合肿瘤学中心, 我们富有同情心的团队提供全面的癌症护理和支持. 通过教育, 咨询, 指导, 互动节目, 我们为您和您所爱的人减轻癌症的负担. 了解更多关于Simms/Mann-UCLA综合肿瘤学中心的信息.


我们的研究人员帮助开发新的和先进的肺癌治疗方法. 作为研究领域的领导者, UCLA Health has pioneered 临床试验 to develop immunotherapy and improve targeted treatments. We work tirelessly to enhance 肺癌 surgery techniques and establish new standards of care internationally.


Lung cancer develops when abnormal cells in the lungs grow uncontrollably, forming tumors. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们专门治疗各种肺癌, 包括两种主要类型和罕见形式的疾病.

肺癌的症状通常在病情恶化后才会出现. 包括咳嗽(有时咳血), 呼吸困难, 喘息, 胸痛和体重减轻. 肺癌的两种主要类型是:


这种类型的肺癌通常生长和扩散很快. Chemotherapy and radiation are the most common treatments for small cell 肺癌.


大约80%的肺癌是非小细胞肺癌. 这些癌症的生长和扩散比小细胞肺癌要慢. 非小细胞肺癌的三种类型是:

  • 腺癌通常会影响外肺. It starts in tissues that cover your organs and line cavities in the body (epithelial tissues)
  • 鳞状细胞癌这种疾病会影响肺部中心,并在气管中发展.
  • 大细胞癌这是一种生长在肺部任何部位的类型,而且往往扩散得更快


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 肺癌 specialists have experience with advanced treatments and therapies. 我们根据肺癌的类型和其他几个因素量身定制每个计划. 您的治疗计划可能包括:


医学肿瘤学使用药物和其他试剂来发现和摧毁癌细胞. We test every 肺癌 we diagnose to provide the most effective treatment for those cancer cells. 肺癌的内科肿瘤治疗包括:

  • 化疗, 它使用几种不同的药物来杀死癌细胞
  • 免疫疗法, which uses medicine that activates your immune system so it can identify cancer cells and destroy them
  • 靶向治疗, which uses drugs that kill cancer cells without damaging healthy cells in the body


放射治疗 uses high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells or stop them from growing. 我们提供最先进的放射治疗方法. Your care team works with you to personalize every treatment plan and offer support.


This rapidly expanding technology uses minimally invasive interventional procedures for the treatment of early-stage lung cancer. Our specially trained interventional radiologists make a tiny incision in the chest and use small, 用于治疗的空心管(如导管和探针)包括:

  • 冷冻消融术, 它利用极寒来冻结和杀死肺癌细胞
  • 微波消融(MWA) 加热肿瘤并杀死癌细胞
  • 射频消融术; 通过加热肿瘤来消灭癌细胞
  • 排液, 哪种能缓解呼吸短促


Highly skilled thoracic surgeons remove cancer from the lungs using several procedures. UCLA Health lung surgeons use minimally invasive methods and the latest robotic or video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) techniques 只要有可能. 这些程序非常精确,减少了恢复时间.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心进行的癌症研究直接影响到病人的护理. In addition to standard treatment, your care team will offer you the opportunity to participate in 临床试验 只要有可能. 你将获得突破性的肺癌治疗和疗法.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们的多专业肺癌团队包括医学肿瘤学家, 位肺脏, 放射肿瘤学家和胸外科医生. 在一起, 我们结合数十年的经验,提供卓越的预防保健, 精确的诊断, 有效的治疗方法 肺癌 它的症状.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, you’ll have a dedicated 肺癌 team by your side every step of the way. 呼叫 310-267-9099 与专家联系.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, you’ll have a dedicated 肺癌 team by your side every step of the way. 呼叫 310-267-9099 与专家联系.